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Spencer is an incredible healer and very skilled therapist. He confidently identifies problem to help find solutions and options, same time overcome challenge’s with many different skills and techniques.
The DBT therapy and programs with DBT London offered me a specialised Dialectical Behaviour Therapy approach by very experienced therapists. I found the experience really helpful, they really understood how to support me after trying loads of other therapy tat just didn't work for me.
With many years experience in the psychology profession, Synergy Counselling and Therapy is an evolving business, offering therapeutic interventions to clients throughout the local area.
HT Therapy, is a company that provides a vital range of therapeutic serives to the community such as face to face counselling, Relationship Counselling, Psychosexual Therapy, Family and Couple Counselling also...
Electro Smog Shielding UK distributor of YSHIELD - EMF shielding Products, specializing in wholesale/retail of electroconductive paints/fabrics/fleeces/wallpapers etc, for protecting humans and sensitive...
Con oltre 15 anni di esperienza a Londra e online, sono pronto ad accompagnarti in un percorso di conoscenza che ti permetterà di abbracciare una vita più completa.
Harley Therapy is a private therapy clinic offering expert and confidential support since 2006 for psychological difficulties in individuals, couples, adolescents and children.
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