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I know how difficult it can be to find the right therapist, and to help with your search I offer a free initial appointment via Zoom or phone so that you can find out how it feels to be in counselling with me, and to...
Thank you, Dr Bernard Horsford, for conducting my son’s dyslexia and ADHD assessment. After long CAMHS delays, Dr Horsford provided quick and excellent service.
Soul Serenity provides a variety of mental health and talking therapies (counselling, relationship therapy, CBT, REBT, NLP, Transformational Life Coaching), as well as offering Reiki, Chromotherapy, Hopi ear candling,...
Hi, I'm Kate and I work in private practice offering hypnotherapy, counselling and Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) to those wanting to make changes in their lives to benefit their lifestyle and well being.
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