About Paddocks Farm Enterprises
Paddocks Farm Hydrotherapy is a purpose built pool in Northamptonshire, close to Banbury and Daventry, with superb facilities to ensure that your pet swims safely. Our professional staff are fully qualified to swim small animals whether your pet has a medical condition, or you want him/her to swim for fun and fitness.
When you come for your first swim we take a detailed medical history for your pet and perform a health check. We then use a warm shower to clean your pet's coat and warm his/her muscles ready to swim, before fitting a buoyancy aid. A one minute swim is equivalent to a one mile walk so quite quickly swimming will be demanding exercise. In the pool we monitor your pet to make sure their first swim is not too strenuous. Just like when we go to the gym for the first time, it is easy for them to over stretch and end up too tired. He/she will swim then rest on the ramp and then swim again, repeating as many times as his/her fitness allows. After the swim we give another warm shower, with some optional shampoo, before drying thoroughly ready to go home.
If your vet has recommended hydrotherapy for a specific medical condition then we will work in partnership with them to help your pet develop muscle tone, bulk and strength as appropriate to his/her condition and build cardio-vascular fitness over time.
We have week day and evening appointments available, as well as weekends with special bulk discount for regular swimmers. Clients come particularly for canine hydrotherapy, from surrounding towns: Banbury, Brackley, Coventry, Rugby, Towcester, Northampton and further afield from Oxfordshire, Warwickshire, Buckinghamshire and Milton Keynes.