
Builders in Newcastle

6 FreeIndex members advertised in 'Newcastle Builders'
info About these results
  • The businesses advertised on FreeIndex are all registered members. They have added their own information which has been checked for quality by FreeIndex.
  • FreeIndex members have the option of going Premium for a small monthly fee. Premium Members are clearly marked.
  • By default, the results displayed are ordered by the number of reviews that have passed our verification test.. Premium Members are listed first on this type of page.
UK Loft Insulation Removal Expert...placeNewcastle, Newcastle upon Tyne
0 Reviews
Loft Insulation Removal
Loft Insulation Near You
Loft Cleaning
UK Loft Insulation Removal Experts based in Newcastle specialise in removing old loft insulation from lofts and carrying out loft cleaning post insulation removal.
Backworth Carpet & Flooring Studi...placeBackworth, Newcastle upon Tyne
0 Reviews
Backwirth carpet & flooring...
Family Run Business with over 45 years in the flooring trade, Domestic and commercial work carried out by our own fitter who is NVQ Qualified, we have various contracts with estate agents to fit there rental properties...
MyLetsplaceJesmond, Newcastle upon Tyne
156 Reviews
I rented a room with them for 2 years and I have overall a great experience. Always replied fast and politely.
KF Decorating And PlasteringplaceNewcastle, Newcastle upon Tyne
77 Reviews
KF Decorating provides a highly professional and dedicated painting and decorating service to clients in Newcastle Upon Tyne, Northumberland and Gateshead areas.
Inside OutplaceGosforth, Newcastle upon Tyne
7 Reviews
I recently employed Dermott to repair and paint exterior stonework. He did an excellent job, very knowledgeable and professional. Wouldn't hesitate to recommend him.
BW ArchitectureplaceWest Moor, Newcastle upon Tyne
1 Review
Architectural Plans
We are a small Architects office that can give a good and reliable service at a reasonable price.
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