About Yorkshire Canine Therapy Centre
We are based in Pollington and serve Selby, Goole, Pontefract, Doncaster, Wakefield and surrounding areas.
An award winning centre, we work with over 50 local vets who trust the work that we do - and more importantly- the results that we get! We have over 15 years of hydrotherapy experience between us and have been teaching small animal rehabilitation to college and university students for 10 years.
We have a brand new, extended length top of the range underwater treadmill allowing us to treat the largest of breeds safely. We also have a purpose built pool giving us the flexibility to to treat your dog in whichever environment suits them best.
Treating up to 70 dogs per week, we work with a variety of orthopeadic and neurological cases along with general osteoarthritis.
Our centre is Veterinary Physiotherapist led meaning you can be sure of gold standard treatment for your dog. We also offer laser and other electrotherapies which can support your dogs recovery.
Please send us a message or email for more information.
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