About Nick Dale, Naturopath
Nick Dale is an experienced Naturopath practicing in London, Harley Street and Suffolk. He has seen over 30,000 people in consultation and is the resident Naturopath for BBC Radio Suffolk. Many people come to see him with burnout, chronic fatigue and exhaustion, as well as a broad range of other conditions, from migraines and skin problems to stress and urinary tract problems.
A consultation lasts an hour. Nick will go over your medical history, any symptoms and health conditions you are experiencing, and carry out an iridology test, which is very simple and uninvasive. This helps him to isolate the cause behind the problems you are experiencing. From there he will prepare a personalised program for you of natural medicine, which is designed to target and correct any underying problems.
I trained as a Naturopath in Australia and have been practicing for 30 years. I use nutritional medicine, homeopathy and herbs in my practice, where each program is tailored to an individuals needs.
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