About Katy Allen Health Coach & EFT Practitioner
I can empower you to take control of your own health. I offer you support, resources and accountability to lose weight, reduce pain, eat well, sleep better, stress less and move more. You CAN live a happier and healthier life and I am here to motivate you every step of the way.
How can a health coach help me?
Do you struggle with a persistent, niggling or chronic health issue?
Do you feel stressed, exhausted, overwhelmed or anxious?
Do you want to feel better but don’t know where to start?
Do you want to change but don’t have the support you need?
I offer a simple, affordable way to get your health back on track.
We’ll look at where you are now, where you want to be and how to get you there. Wherever you are, small changes and new habits will make a big difference.
This includes working on the food you eat, how you sleep, how you manage stress, how you exercise and relax and how you connect with the world around you.
I'm also an EFT practitioner, which is the Emotional Freedom Technique or "tapping". If you're struggling with anxiety or depression, fears or phobias, cravings or addictions, a lack of self-esteem or self-worth, then EFT is a proven technique that can offer relief to both your body and mind.
It's a non-invasive combination of gently tapping on acupressure points on the head and upper body and working through physical or emotional issues to move healing energy through the body. EFT can quieten the stress response, leaving us feeling calmer, lighter and happier.
I can offer pure EFT sessions or in combination with health coaching to provide you with powerful results.
I can see Cheshire clients face to face or anyone nationwide or worldwide thanks to the wonders of video calling! I offer individual sessions or discounted packages so you can truly commit to developing healthy habits and enjoying lifelong benefits.