About Genki Clinic
Toby has been practicing Oriental Medicine since 2000. He lived in Japan for 10 years. For six of those years he worked full time in traditional clinical acupuncture apprenticeship in Tokyo under the guidance of his teacher, Edward Obaidey.
Toby has a BSc. In Acupuncture, is a member of the British Acupuncture Council and is a Certified Shiatsu Practitioner.
Acupuncture will improve your health. Simple as that. But what does this really mean? Usually we don't consider much what 'health' means, except in contrast to its opposite: dis-ease. Your body is incredibly intricate, dealing (and hopefully thriving) with multiple changing external stimuli and demands. Good acupuncture helps to fine-tune the way your organs, hormones, nervous system, muscular system etc. Relate with one another. This results in the best possible function of your entire system as it is right now, whatever your state of health.
Continuously operating in this 'optimum configuration' produces a virtuous cycle whereby the current 'best possible' becomes better and better.