About Andrew McKay - Integrated Awareness Teacher
Integrated Awareness® is a new approach to healing and growth through touch, movement and changes in states of consciousness. It's a way of locating the source of limiting beliefs and behaviours and to broaden choice and possibility in your life now. Rediscovering our capacity for present time sensory perception - something which was our natural state as infants - and awareness of movement are the keys to this body based way of learning.
You may be seeking help with physical or emotional challenges or with another aspect of your life such as family or relationship problems. Whatever your interest or intention, the process is designed to produce a deeper understanding of your situation and allow for changes at physical, emotional and mental levels that were difficult or even impossible before.
People come to my practice for a variety or reasons - be you in great health and interested in self discovery or carrying a particular injury or illness, all that's required is curiosity about your situation.
Many positive results have been reported back to me including: physical improvements with illnesses, allergies and injuries, greater ease with loved ones, greater success in work and professional life, overcoming of additions and vices, reduction in anxiety and reduction of dependency on medication and pain killers.
Individual sessions last about and hour and 15 minutes and intensives over a number of days are also available for those travelling from a distance.