About Alison Judah Consultant Osteopath
Alison Judah is a Consultant Osteopath practising in Hammersmith. She also sees patients by special arrangement in Brighton. With 30 years of experience Alison deals with very complex cases and is often referred patients for a second opinion.
Whilst she helps people from all walks of life with a wide range of joint and muscular problems she specialises in helping Performing Artists and as a specialist Laryngeal Osteopath in Voice Problems.
Alison offers a bespoke service giving a high standard of clinical care and diagnosis and seeks the root cause of the problem. She uses the most gentle technique which will be effective and very rarely will use any high velocity manipulation (when you here a click) as there are many other techniques that can be used which are more effective. She puts a lot of emphasis on preventative medicine and also carries out clinical ergonomic assessments for organisations and businesses.
Problems she can help whith include: repetitive strain injuries, hand / arm pain or tingling, neck pain, back pain, muscle spasm or strains, ligament injuries, leg or hip pain, knee problems, headaches when related to a mechanical problem in the spine, sciatica, jaw problems, voice problems using specialist laryngeal manipulation, musician's injuries, and provides specific advice for performing artists.
Alison is qualified with a Diploma and a Bachelor of Science Degree in Osteopathy, a Post Graduate Osteopathy in Paediatric Osteopathy and has taken further study in Performing Arts Medicine and in the specialist field of Laryngeal Osteopathy with world renowned osteopath Jacob Lieberman.
She has worked as an examiner in clinical competence exams and taught undergraduate students osteopathy and clinical diagnosis. She spent several years working at the Osteopathic Centre for Children in London and has worked with GPs in London and Sussex. Alison runs her own osteopathic practice in London and East Sussex.
She is statutory registered with the General Osteopathic Council and is also a member of the Osteopathic Performing Arts Care Association, British Association of Performing Arts Medicine, The Institute of Osteopathy and a Senior Associate Member of the Royal Society of Medicine.