About TypeWright Editing Services
Belfast-based TypeWright Editing Services is managed by me, Jason O'Rourke, PhD. I have been editing, proofreading, and writing, academically and creatively, since 1995.
TypeWright Editing Services offers a competitively-priced range of proofreading, editing, tutoring, and writing services for businesses, students, web designers, writers - and everybody else who has an important document to work on. You can read some reviews by satisfied customers on my website.
My solutions are ideal for anyone who has an important piece of text to deliver, and needs it to be watertight and well-presented. The services include Proofreading, to weed out errors, Copy Editing, to improve style and flow, Reference Work, to make sure your citations and bibliography are correct, and CV and Application Check to make sure you achieve maximum impact. I can help with writing website content, or complex compliance material.
I also offer a personal tuition service, which is suitable for international students whose first language is not English, and is available in the home, or by Skype.
I don't ghost-write student assignments.
The process is simple: once you have made contact, and we have discussed your needs, you will be given a quote for the work.
All information is completely confidential, and stored securely in the Cloud while work is in progress.
Uniquely, I offer full support throughout the process by email, phone, Instant Message, and Skype; customers find this to be a very popular aspect of my service.
BA (hons), first class, English (major) / Welsh (minor).
MA, English (Medieval Studies).
PhD, 'Literary and Political Culture in Wales and the English Border Country 1325-1475. ' DipPFS.
I successfully applied for scholarships for my MA and PhD, as well as funding for an AHRB Major Research Grant, and a British Academy Research Grant. I am currently a recipient of the prestigious Arts Council NI ACES grant (Artist Career Enhancement Scheme). This success is invaluable when helping others to apply for funding.
I have over 19 years of experience as an editor and writer and have published a number of academic essays and articles, as well as creative writing. Because of this experience, I am aware of the issues involved in perfecting a piece of work, and am sympathetic to the requirements of writers, whether they are academic or creative. A bibliography of my written work is available on my website and LinkedIn profile.