
Squisito Deli

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Member 13+ Years
The Old Butchers
46 High Street

07544 42****

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Member since : 26 Apr 2012
Manually reviewed : 26 Apr 2024
Last updated : 26 Apr 2024

About Squisito Deli

Squisito (that's squiz-eat-oh or 'exquisite' or 'mmm' in Italian) is a unique not-just-for-profit producer of Italian food from fresh local ingredients to Slow Food principles. Squisito is an accredited Farmers' Market producer, BBC Good Food Show 'Midlands Best Deli 2016', BBC 'Midlands Best Street Food' award winner, 'Local Food Hero' Finalist etc. Basically, we love food.

Food and family remains at the heart of Italian food so we specialise in making Italian food to order so we specialise in catering for weddings and celebrations, romantic dinners, parties and even celidths or funerals where the personal touch is most valued.
Sara has long and extensive experience creating interesting and seasonal menus with the 'wow' factor and has wide and varied heartfelt testimonials. To book a consultation email Sara and she will arrange to call you and go through your requirements food and otherwise.
For butchery and produce phone Alex. He runs our shop and makes ready meals on a daily basis in addition to all the other things you would expect from an Italian deli and village shop.

In Italy, food is always best from your own village and from people you know by first name. Squisito use that as our basic principle but first and foremost our food has to taste good!
Squisito is a not-just-for-profit food producer who make Italian food that is fresh, local and seasonal from ingredients that are good, clean and fair in the Slow Food sense. If we can't grow or rear ingredients ourselves we look first to our own locality and our friends since our motto is that "provenance is knowing the person who makes your lunch by first name!"
Squisito subscribe to the principles Carlo Petrini outlined when he founded the Slow Food movement so we were proud to be winners of a Slow Food Good, Clean and Fair Producer's Bursary to exhibit and demonstrate at the BBC Good Food Show in 2008 and 2010.
Wherever possible Squisito food is made from authentic Italian recipes with ingredients and methods typical to that area but grown or reared locally in England. This is reflected in the fact that over 85% of the ingredients in the food Squisito sell at accredited Farmers Markets is grown, reared and sourced within 35 miles of Squisito HQ (the FARMA Farmers Market criteria) and often as not from our village.

Squisito are the only accredited Italian food producer and wedding caterer in the Midlands.
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Made with love in Bristol, UK