About Rutledge Sports Therapy
Rutledge Sports Therapy offers a personalised and dynamic approach to injury treatment and prevention. Providing a professional tailored service to return each patient to pre-injury fitness and ability.
You don't have to play sports to be injured, everyday injuries are treated as well. You'll be treated by a fully qualified Sports Therapist BSc Hones and full member of the society of Sports Therapists.
We specialise in joint and muscular injuries, as well as ligament and neural injuries. You can also see us for your rehabilitation post operation for joint replacements, ACL reconstructions etc.
We treat the following and more, neck pain, back pain, joint pain, neural concerns such as sciatica, muscle injuries, post broken bone rehabilitation, post joint replacement rehabilitation, post operative care for musculoskeletal conditions. If you’re unsure or want more information please call us on 07961080577.
We also offer 1-1 or 1-2 fitness and exercise sessions, whether your aim is to get fit or weight loss or maybe you just want a change in your daily routine and to get a little more active, we have circuit based training that’s fun, interactive and tailored to you.
You’ll work with a fully qualified and insured fitness instructor.0 FreeIndex Reviews
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