About Principal Tutors
Principal Tutors provide private online tutors in maths, English, 11+ and science for pupils in the UK and internationally.
All tutors are qualified teachers with a passion for their specialist subjects.
We provide tutors for al llevels including primary, KS1, KS2, SATS, 11+, secondary, KS3, GCSE and A-level.
We are different from the standard 'lists' of tutors. When you contact us we will provide you with an inital free telephone consultation from your local business owner. We will then be able to make a recommendation for the most appropriate tutor for you or your child.
Once we have allocated you a tutor, your tutor will visit you at your own home to provide personalised one ot one tutoring. We also provide you with written feedback on a monthly basis so that you can track the progress being made.
Tutoring rates start from £30 per hour.
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