About New Life Kick Start
I provide transformation, not just information. Every client I work with is having a life journey with me.
I am not a typical life coach - "tell me where you would like to get".
No. We will start with WHY you haven't got there before.
I do it because I strongly believe that if you would known where to go and would not have been slowed down by your inner demons - you wouldn't search for a coach.
My life coaching is about not only new perspectives for fulfilling lives, but also about learning and exploring yourself, the depths of your heart.
I share my time and life-proven techniques to inspire others to turn goals and dreams for life, relationships or career/business into superb reality.
I love helping people with:
- relationship issues or divorces and brake-ups,
- professionals changing careers and starting own businesses,
- finding their purpose in life,
- building confidence, working on self-esteem,
- dealing with anger issues, obesities, addictions and suicidal cases.
Different lives, various scenarios, individual stories and yet THEY ALL are connected through mindset wiring.
We will rewire that ALL together!
Every story and every life is so individual. There is why I use my counselling, therapy and NLP techniques to help YOU in a best possible way, as well as I will show you and teach you on how to use coaching strategies.
My moto always was and always will be:
Your own mind is your best friend and your worst enemy: If you can THINK of something, you CAN do it!
If you are serious about taking your life, relationships and business to the next level - contact me and we will make it happen - together!0 FreeIndex Reviews
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