About My Training Shop
Authorised Everything DiSC partner.
About me and my organisation:
Following my involvement with a business and its consequent sale (2021). I’ve taken time to reflect and analyse my achievements and wishes. My desire quickly became apparent, I’m all about softs kills, emotional intelligence and agile workplaces.
I am invested in an authorised Everything DiSC behavioural profiling authorised partnership.
Services include Group development and coaching for Individuals, Leaders and Teams. Aimed at boosting effective communication leading to optimistic work culture.
Everything DiSC profiling benefits include:
• Self Reflection.
• Self realisation
• Bringing people together.
• Improved understanding of own behaviours.
• Increased understanding of others behaviours.
• Greater tolerance levels between team members.
• Clarifying objectives.
• Building consensus.
• Creating ownership and accountability.
The DiSC model has been used for decades, to help people understand themselves and others, Assists with bringing a common language to a team or an organisation and reducing the potential of conflict, improving communications and enhancing teams to achieve better and perform.
Often referred to as behavioural profiling. When used correctly this instrument leads to the understanding of others. It is certainly the furthest point away from equipping people to make judgments as this learning solely serves to enhance associations in the workplace along with personal relationships.
How does DiSC work: By conducting a DiSC assessment a 20 plus page report will then be generated Where you will learn more about your behavioural traits along with your tendencies and preference. Becoming more aware of this naturally leads to being inquisitive about others and their DiSC styles learning how they may react to your approach and theirs to yours.
Other services:
Series of Micro learning, designed small, targeted and to the point.
Best for development needs as retention is stronger than longer more traditional learning.0 FreeIndex Reviews
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