About Metascientific
Metascientific is the leading UK distributor for Euromex Microscopes. Established in 1985 Metascientific has become one of the leading suppliers of Microscopes to Industry, Vetinary practices as well as schools and colleges around the country.
In addition to supply of microscopes and accessories for microscopy, Metascientific offer a full maintenance and repair service through their associate company L. J. Smith and Son who are CLEAPSS listed.
Metascientific offer a full range of microscopes for industrial, research and educational purposes.
Industrial Microscopes include both stereoscopic and binocular microscopes covering a range of magnifications from 6x to 1000x and for uses such as the inspection of printed circuit boards, quality control purposes and clinical use at vetinary clinics, surgeries and referral centres.
Educational Microscopes for a whole range of educational needs from schools to 6th form colleges and universities. Also available are a range of slide sets covering histology, zoology and biology requirements.
Specialist Microscopes are available for activities such as research of metal and plastic surfaces. Additionally, Metascientific supply a specialised phase contrast microscope for Asbestos fibre analysis.
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