About Gazette Magazines
Delivered in Aberdeen, gazette magazines is an independent local business that provides the opportunity for local shops, clubs and offices to showcase their products to prospective customers within the West End of Aberdeen and Kingswells* via four separate bi-monthly magazines. (West End 1 - Bieldside/Cults/Woodlands at Pitfodels, Morningside/Deeside Gdns) West End 2 - Airyhall, Braeside, Countesswells, Cragiebuckler, Hazlehead, Seafield and Viewfield) West End 3 Harlaw/Rubislaw/Queens Cross/Holburn/Broomhill/Ashley. And Kingswells Community News - Kingswells) Established in September 2005 the magazine has 17 years experience within the Publishing world. All four magazines are A5 in size, printed in full colour and delivered by four separate delivery teams.
Gazette magazines provide local businesses with a resource to market their businesses to 14, 000 local homes in a niche, targeted area of the West End of Aberdeen and Kingswells. They work closely with the clients, and as they are also a small business they understand the client's needs better than most. Their aim is to help their clients achieve more from their marketing.
They have an expanding customer base of local businesses that are located in and around Aberdeen, also including contributions from the Police Force, Community Councils, Clubs and Societies, Charities.
They seek to promote local events, promotions, festivals and anything else that the readers may enjoy. They are always looking for new places to eat; competition prizes and special offers.
They often have special offers on their website.
Gazette magazines can provide proper display advertising that will increase your marketing visibility to the readers. The gazette provides local shops and businesses with a platform from which to show the readers what they have to offer and also what benefits they can bring them. Gazette magazines also provide a printing service leaflets; business cards; compliment slips or headed paper - competitive prices and a quick turnaround is available.
Gazette magazines also voluntarily work in association with MBC News and Pushing out The Boat.0 FreeIndex Reviews
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