About Daisy Editorial
Need help to polish your writing? I am an experienced and recommended freelance proofreader, copy-editor and book formatter, an Advanced Professional Member of the CIEP (Chartered Institute of Editing and Proofreading, formerly the SfEP), and was trained by the SfEP and the PTC (Publishing Training Centre). I can help you with anything that uses words, from a business brochure to your first self-published book.
I have a diverse range of clients including:
• Publishers.
• Businesses and companies.
• Government departments.
• Design agencies.
• NGOs and non-profit organisations.
• Individuals and independent authors.
I will assess your document and suggest how I can help to improve it. I will work in a way to suit you (eg in Microsoft Word, on a PDF, or even on paper). We will agree at the outset either a fixed price or how I will charge for my services.
I will keep you informed of progress and explain what I have done.
"Thank you so much for the amazing editing work, as well as tidying up the formatting. It truly reads much better." Alexander Filmer-Lorch, Inside Meditation.
"It’s nice to have found a good copyeditor. I will certainly be back in touch when I know what I’ve got coming next." Louise Le Bas, Associate of Just Content publishing services.