About ClimbHigh SEO
ClimbHigh SEO is a trusted provider of national and local SEO Services for businesses in Carlisle, Cumbria, the North East and Borders. The company works with in-house marketing teams and business owners to make sure that an effective search marketing strategy is developed based on data. This is crucial to get client businesses s in front of their best customers. Ideally, when the buying urge is strong.
As the name suggests Climb High SEO are a search led digital marketing agency, who have a particular empathy with outdoor and adventure businesses from Cumbria’s Lake District to Northumberland’s rolling hills. The business name reflects the need to be high up in search listings to be seen.
The company sees Search Engine Optimisation as a long term investment in a your brand’s digital visibility. This is vital in order to help potential clients and customers to understand how you are the best answer to their need or want. Projects always start with keyword research that helps client businesses identify how their offer is actually being searched for. The most valuable clients' or customers' keywords are identified and this data is used to guide the design of a well structured web site that sells what you offer!
When your customers are in one… or a few, clearly defined locations, a locally focused digital marketing strategy will be essential for success. The local service helps businesses get found in the increasingly important local search results in mobile devices! However good a website may be, obscurity or constant paid advertising is going to be required unless the site is able to gain digital authority! Attracting and earning backlinks from other websites is another vital service! Too many digital marketing campaigns are guided by business owners' gut-feelings. These insights are valuable but only come into their own when supported by data from audit services which can uncover the numbers and data that will improve a website's conversion rate! What gets measured gets improved!
Getting people to recognise a new brand name can be a challenge in a noisy post-pandemic marketplace. Local press releases are a valuable help: but they rarely give out backlinks to your website. CHSEO employs a range of powerful digital PR strategies which can boost your backlink profile through placements in high authority websites. These in turn lift client's website authority and that lifts your business higher in the search results. Content is still king and ClimbHigh SEO can support a company's content marketing strategy. When hard pressed staff are short of inspiration to write a blog post, or have you no idea how to tune the next press release to what the crucial audience is looking for our keyword data and experienced writrs can support your content production process!0 FreeIndex Reviews
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