About Clarity Coaching UK
The Life Coaching Offering.
Are you struggling to find clarity in your life?
Weighed down by anxious thoughts?
Do you know what you want, but you can't get there on your own? These are the kind of things that I help my clients with every day. As we break down blocks and negative thoughts that have been holding them back for years.
Let me help you too.
I provide professional life coaching, face to face, by telephone, or via Zoom. I have years of experience helping people achieve their goals and start living the life they have always dreamed of.
So if you want to live a life where you are not weighed down by worries and anxiety, if you want to learn how to boost your confidence and self-esteem. Give me a call today.
I can create a positive, 'can do' state of mind for you enabling and empowering you towards your goals.
I have over 14 years of experience in the coaching business.
During that time I have coached hundreds of clients. They have taught me that the most effective sessions are long ones, so I coach for 90 mins. Most people stay with me for about 3 to 6 months and we coach every weekly to monthly depending on the needs and wishes of my clients. You set the pace of your coaching journey.
Sal Jennings is a board-certified life coach, has years of experience, and is qualified to degree level. She is also a qualified RTT and an EFT practitioner.
Clarity Coaching UK has an expanding network of clients, with varying requirements throughout the local area, including face-to-face and phone clients.
This business is managed by Sal Jennings who has worked within the Lifestyle Management sector for many years. Having previously worked within the NHS, the charitable sector, secondary school setting, and as a Local Government Officer, she is experienced enough to fulfil the individual's requirements.
The offering of RTT.
RTT stands for Rapid Transformational Therapy.
Do you ever feel that no matter how hard you try you can't kick the old habits ? Smoking, drinking, gambling, overeating. We all know what to do don't we. But it often feels so hard to change the old ways of doing things. Our minds always want to take us back to what's familiar. But working with the subconscious mind through some intense RTT therapy and hypnosis can produce phenomenal results for you.
RTT also helps with improving sports performance , phobias, exam stress and burnout.
Why not find out more by giving me a call I would love to hear from you.
Offering of EFT.
Emotional Freedom Technique is a great therapy to rebalance your body and calm the nervous system.
EFT is also known as "Tapping". It is like a fusion of neuroscience and ancient Chinese medicine which balances the meridians. I can show you where to tap on special points on your head and hands which sends a tiny electrical charge through your body whilst you say some special words and you feel deeply relaxed. It is then you able to release pain and blocks that have been holding you back for years. It is a really safe, effective therapy which has bought phenomenal healing to my clients.