About Bradford Zen Group
The Bradford Zen Group sits zazen (seated meditation) every Tuesday evening 7pm until 8. 30pm at the Kirkgate Community Centre in Shipley, Bradford. We offer an introduction to the zen practise and the posture 20 minutes before we start (6. 40pm).
The evening consists of 25 minutes of zazen, 5-10 minutes of walking meditation and a second 25 minutes of zazen. There is also a small teaching in the second zazen sitting.
The Bradford Zen Group is part of International Zen Association United Kingdom (IZAUK). IZAUK has many dojos across the UK and hosts regular, zen days, workshops and sesshins (retreats) throughout the year.
Please wear loose comfortable clothing, Zafu’s (cushions) and chairs are provided. Please arrive early, doors will be closed at 6. 50pm.
We ask for a contribution of £5 (waged) of £3 (low or unwaged) towards the cost of hiring the room and running the group.
Everyone is welcome.
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