About Anna Lawrence Voice Over Artist
Hi I’m Anna Lawrence, a British Female Voice Over Artist based just outside London UK. I record from my own broadcast quality studio providing recording services to business and brands of all shapes and sizes. I can be reached via Source Connect Standard, IPDTL, Cleanfeed or through Zoom, Google Meet, Microsoft Teams or Skype.
I’ve been a professional voice actor for twelve years now and specialise in Corporate, Commercial, E-Learning and Technical and Medical Narration VoiceOver. I’ve been trusted by a huge range of clients around the world including Amazon, Visa, Google, GSK, Astellas, Mercedes Benz and of course the BBC.
Whether you're looking for New Voicemail messaging for your business, a Website Brand Introduction Video, Training Video, Radio Advert or TV Commercial I can help!
No two businesses are the same and no two projects are the same so I quote on an individual project basis.
I truly believe that all businesses can benefit from Voiceover Services and I'd love to work with you.
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