About Allied Claims ( Building & Property Claims Management Services Ltd)
Allied Claims are Loss Assessors. Not to be confused with Loss Adjusters who represent and work on behalf of Insurance Companies.
Allied Claims represent and work for Property owners (Home owners) and Businessmen when making a claim for damages to their Insurers.
We survey the damage, record and submit the claims and negotiate with your Insurer and their Loss Adjusters.
We obtain quotes and Project manage the repairs until completion.
Allied Claims represent Businesses when making claims to their Insurers.
Our main function is to ensure a fair settlement for losses.
We endeavour to get your business back into operation as soon as possible.
Attention is paid to the Businesses Interruption clauses of the policy in order minimise losses and to reinstate the business to where it was before the events leading to the claim.
Allied Claims provides a Thermography Service.
Thermography is the utilisation of Infrared technology to survey premises in a non intrusive manner.
Thus no breaking walls or lifting floors to find;
Energy and Heat loss.
Blocked heating pipes.
Insulation weaknesses and missing insulation.
Water Leaks.
Mould build up.
Allied Claims operate in Greater London (North of the river. ) Cambridgeshire, Essex, Hertfordshire and Middlesex.
Visits to the property, where the damage has occurred are made, surveys and recording of the damage take place.
Meeting the Insurers and their Loss Adjusters take place.
Contractors are appointed and repairs undertaken.