About 24/7 Car & Van Keys
Auto Locksmith for cars and vans (24HRS) in Teesside (Middlesbrough, Hartlepool, Stockton-on-Tees and Redcar).
Have you lost your car keys? Need a spare key replacement? Locked the keys inside the car?
We can help with all car and key related problems.
We have a no fuss moto of making sure it's as easy for you to give us a call, for a locksmith to arrive on time and then for the job to be completed in a efficient manner.
What's more that can be done to give you the customer 100% customer service?
We are a small family business located in Teesside!
Most vehicles can easily have a spare key supplied, we just need to know the make, model, year and location to able to quote accordingly.
Are your car or van keys needing a repair? All repairs are normally brought to us in Middlesbrough, this is a process of dropping the keys off to us and the repair is carried out while you wait.
Booking is always recommended with our locksmiths possibly being on call.
We have specialist equipment for almost all makes and models We honestly are a fraction of the cost above without the headache with the job carried out wherever the car is located and normally same day from the first phonecall from you to book it in.
BMW main dealers If you lose your BMW remote key and it's your only one, the normal process is to.
1. Ring BMW.
2. Get your car towed to BMW at your expense.
3. Possibly a week to get the key sorted once the car is at BMW.
3. Pay maindealer prices.