
Mobile Mechanic wanted in Banbury.


Quote Request Details

ID / Status:
QR : #290484 - EXPIRED
Job Location:
5 Sep 2024
Needed By:
As soon as possible
Num Views:


Peoguet 207 brokedown Monday on M40 due to engine fault. Your team kindly recovery me to my home address in Heyford. I have no garages in village so will need to pay for a further recovery to a garage to see what's wrong,. Then fix it, if they can fit me in and then have bus it to the garage to collect. Due to my disability this is isn't a easy task. Wondered whether you would be able to attend my vehicle at home, find out what's wrong and advise how to fix it and what it will coat. Thanks.

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Responded 5 Sep 2024
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